Wednesday 19 November 2014

If you were a library book you'd have 'Fine' stamped all over you...

Slightly confused.

Following someone requesting a book I had checked out the day before (originally not due back until Chrtimas!) resulting in a £1 fine per day if I hadn't returned it within a week, numerous 'OVERDUE' emails, many stressed out phonecalls (in as much voice as I could muster) explaining that I was ill, bed-bound, part-time and didn't live anywhere near the University, wasn't there anything they could do, more 'FINE - OVERDUE' emails etc etc, I have now made it into university (accompanied by the correct book, unlike yesterday, oops and my sick note to try to waive the fine...) following a full 9.5hour shift at day job and there is no record that my book was overdue and no fine at all!

I like to think that rather than a computer glitch, this is due to someone taking pity on me and putting the hold request on another copy of the book that someone else may have checked out. Bechod.

Work has been pretty stressful today but rather than rush in too early, hubby and I ate porridge (SW Healthy Extra B) in bed before I went in (domestic bliss?!) and I am glad we did as I, once again, worked through lunch and that's all I've had today. We need to go shopping.

Have done a lot of Welsh today and I am quite proud of that. I had my two hour lesson this morning, did a bit of catch up homework for about an hour this evening and then listened to my audio book in the car after work. We did a bit of a mock exam today though and I am completely screwed. I have been learning Welsh since 1988 and it is appalling how bad I still am. Exam in June. Have recently been told I can't take in a dictionary. Pants.

Considering what to do next. I am at Uni so will attempt to do some work, but as my exercise dance class for this evening has been cancelled, I am wondering whether to find another one to pop in to on my way home or whether I do more work on my thesis instead. Due to having had no food I think the latter is preferable, but a good exercise does help me get the stress out of my system. I haven't done anything since I came down with the dreaded lurgy a couple of weeks ago and although I am back in work I still have an annoying cough.

I think that's excuse enough to stay here, do some work and then go straight home and get in my onesie, right? Or better still, go home via shop and pick up something for dinner as we are out of rice, pasta, meat, potatoes, salad. I think all we currently have is passata and bacon!

Recipe suggestions anyone?

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